What can happen at a Christian Science Talk?
Phillip Hockley will tell you:
“I walked out healed!”
Join us for an inspiring talk
A New View of God and its Effect on Well-Being
by Phillip Hockley, CS
Phillip will relate his own healing experience
from just attending a Christian Science talk
Tuesday, January 28 at 7:30 EST
Sponsored by
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Midland Park, NJ
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Today, Phillip Hockley is a registered Christian Science practitioner, one who helps others realize their own healings. Yet twenty years ago, that was the farthest thing from his mind. Here is a brief overview of Phillip’s summary of his own transforming experience, a story he will expand on in his talk.
“In the early 1990s a fall that badly injured the spine started a seven year downward spiral of ill health. By 1999, after trying every alternative and spiritual healing method, without any cure, I was registered as physically handicapped. This attitude of “broken body—happy mind” was present at the time I felt very strongly attracted to attend my first ever Christian Science lecture—against my own best judgment at the time!
What happened to me at that lecture was truly transformational. Not only was I healed of all my diseases at that event, but also, more importantly, I was healed of my hardness towards the message of the Bible—telling us of God’s great love for each one of us. Christian Science explains the Bible promises so clearly. To me, the greatest of the promises is that we can all feel and live with this divine love, a heavenly love, here and now.”
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